Monday, 26 September 2016

Paris I Love You

I know what your probably thinking before you read this - that I was already in Paris previously. Thats right to start of with, I was proudly in the beyond beautiful city of love going back in May and sadly Im only getting to write about it now. Back in May my laptop was broken which left me behind in all of blog posts - so as they say, better late than never. Im not going to go on to much, lets just say the whole four days were magical. Staying in the centre of Paris with Daniel in an exquisite Parisian hotel capturing a powerful bright glimpse of the Eiffel Tour. We ventured to Disneyland, The Louvre, Versailles, and all the famous attractions Paris has to offer. Although it was very expensive, it was safe to say every penny was worth it. The food, weather, atmosphere and even just the relaxation of sitting in front of a French Cuisine was emphatic. I loved it, all of it and cannot wait to visit it again some day. I travelled to London twice this summer, Paris and ended my summer in the canary sunshine of Lanzarote. Gosh I love travelling,  Im such a travel-bug. Its amazing to see and witness different cultures and its comforting to say I've once been part of it all.

So to some up my short piece on La Paris - here is some of my favoruitre pictures I captured over there. Feeling a mixture between Blair Waldorf and Carrie Bradshaw it was a vacation I will always remember.To see more of my Paris pictures go onto my facebook page, I have a whole album on my time there. HaylsKouture. X


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